Selecting the best gift plan depends on your personal financial situation and goals. As tax laws are always changing and each individual’s situation is different, donors are encouraged to consult with financial advisers to determine their most beneficial contribution method.

What are the key components of the Master Plan being addressed with this campaign?

  • McCallin Hall I & II
  • Padre restaurant & the kitchen
  • Update the Youth Center
  • St. Peregrine Hall (the meeting rooms under the Padre) Includes addition of an elevator and renovation of the restrooms.

    Other Campus Improvements
  • Padre patio enhancement
  • Parking lot resurfacing

What are the goals of the campaign?
The projected amount needed for the completion of the remaining items in our master plan is currently estimated to be $8 million. The extent to which we can address all of our identified needs depends on the level of support the campaign receives from the entire parish.

Are we renovating the Padre in order to re-open it as a restaurant to the public?
No. The Padre restaurant will continue to be utilized in the way it is being used now with Sunday brunches and small receptions as well as a popular meeting space for various ministries. It will be remodeled to bring it up to date and improve lighting and sound. It is important to remember that the Padre kitchen supports many parish wide events with outdated equipment. With a more efficient design and new equipment, the kitchen renovation will accommodate events in the Padre and McCallin Hall for many years to come.

What is the need for meeting space in the parish?
There are over 150 active ministries and programs that meet regularly on the parish campus. Last year McCallin Hall, the Padre, St. Peregrine Hall and the Youth Center were host sites for approximately 80,000 people attending many meetings and events. There is a strong need for flexible meeting spaces that will accommodate the various sizes of our groups. A new elevator will allow access for everyone to the lower level under the Padre where St. Peregrine Hall is located.

In 2005 we were asked to give a “Jubilee Gift” to a campaign that was to address all of the parish needs at that time. Why are we being asked to give again?
The original Jubilee Campaign had an aggressive goal of raising the funds to complete all of the projects outlined in the parish master plan including the renovation of the church sanctuary, an adoration chapel, parish offices, a gift shop, a new rectory and remodeling most of the areas being addressed with this campaign. Parishioners were very generous to that campaign but the total amount raised fell significantly short of the goal. As a result, choices had to be made regarding the priority of the projects. It was decided that the worship spaces would have the first priority. The new rectory and the remodeling projects for McCallin Hall II, the Padre and St. Peregrine Hall were put on hold until additional funds could be raised to fund those projects.

I thought that the purpose of the Phase II campaign was to complete the new rectory and remodel McCallin Hall, St Peregrine and the Padre. Why didn’t we finish everything?
The goal was to raise the funds needed to complete all of the remaining items on the parish master plan including the new rectory. The campaign raised $3.9 million but with five years of inflation costs, it was not enough to fund all of the needs, which included the addition of the renovation of the Youth Center and a new meditation garden. It was decided that the new rectory would be built next and the remaining projects would be delayed until additional funding could be secured. The rectory and meditation garden were completed in October, 2011 at a cost of $3.6 million.

Can you give a complete accounting of the capital campaign funds raised in the parish and how they were spent?
The Jubilee Vision campaign, started in 2005, ultimately raised $7.3 million. The church renovation, along with the completion of the adoration chapel, the STM gift shop and parish offices, was completed in 2008 at a cost of $11.1 million. A loan was secured to cover the difference. That loan has been paid down over the past eight years to $800,000 by using a portion of the annual offertory and will be completely paid off in October of 2017.

The campaign for Phase II raised $3.9 million. The new rectory and meditation garden were built at a cost of $3.6 million. The remaining $300,000 will be used towards the delayed renovations that were originally part of the Phase II campaign and are being addressed in the current campaign.

Why are renovations being done to McCallin Hall I?
The work on McCallin I was done with temporary finishes knowing that eventually they would be redone to match the finish of McCallin II (church gym), creating a consistent look in the entire area.

Who will be asked to support this effort?
All St. Thomas More parishioners will be asked to consider a pledge to the campaign. This includes longtime members, new parishioners, school parents and staff. It is our hope that everyone who has benefitted or is benefiting from our parish will understand the importance of having a successful campaign and will accept the responsibility of sacrificially participating in the effort.

How Can I help
There are several ways that you can help:

  • Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit and for the success of the Renewing Our Heritage campaign.
  • We need many volunteers to assist with the campaign and visit with other parish families. If you are interested in serving in that role, please call or email Irene Lindemer at 303.221.9181 or irenel@stthomasmore.org.
  • Everyone in our parish will be asked to consider a financial gift. More information will be sent in the coming weeks which will discuss how you can invest in the campaign and be part of the legacy which began 45 years ago.